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An Address To Women Especially As To WHY I USE The Word COWARD Repetitively Because YOU ARE! Until You Start Using Words Like You Have No Problem Dishing Out To Trump Towards Worse Men And Women From Shit Hole Iran, India, Mexico, China,... You're The Problem When Are You Going To Address The Men And Women Who Are Radical Gang Bangers And Terrorists?

Because you are politically correct with certain cultures and their men and women and it should have ended long ago. It is mind boggling that you don't have a problem calling Trump every name in the book with death threats and the like, standing next to women such as Sarsour, Tlaib, Jayapal, Omar,  . . . but have NEVER done the same towards shit fuck men and women I have been living in HELL because of from Iran, India, China, Mexico,  . . . 

that is exactly why I use the word COWARD repetitively!

You had another opportunity at the last Women's March a couple of weeks ago, and what did you do? But you are not the only one's keeping silent, about this shit fuck. It does no justice even if you come from these cultures, to sit in silence about the scum within your culture. Not for those in America, or the countries you came from. Protecting this shit, here or back home is not about what America was founded upon.

I am being gang stalked by both gang bangers and terrorists both men and women all because a man lied to me about not being married and then pitted all his partners against me. This is fucking outrageous. Also the guy from high school who has probably been fucking up my life because I did not go to prom with him, what the fuck?

Women I have not been out here telling stories, to get something I don't deserve, to be a leader, an advocate,  . . . but addressing radically serious problems. By moral default I was at fault, for this in the past. But I don't feel sorry or guilty any longer for scum, that does not deserve or belong in America.

There is an enormous difference in the problems we have had in the past with men, compared to what the problems are today, with both men and women from terrible cultures. The evasion of this radical problem has been costly on my life, and THAT is WHY I am radical about what I say. I made the choice of understanding violence, and or death could come my way, but I was living in hell, and I am not afraid. 
