Burn Down
Notre Dame?
When I was standing waiting for the shuttle out to the ASL guess who walked by me? The little Iranian lady, with a long white shirt on. When she walked by, I said out loud, "I am not living in HELL looking for love and if you think I am, I will put a bullet in your head."
My Stalkers
- Churches
- Women
- Infidels
- White Ass, . . .
Before I went to the bus station, a guy out at coffee had some magazines out, and on the cover of one there was a couple and the caption said, "Risking it all for love!" Fatemi you have been risking nothing, but ONLY created an absolute crazy show around the world, because you are EVIL!
This lady, this trigger about love, are the things that make me go utterly ballistic when dealing with the evilest mother fuckers on earth. Especially when most people think this is a joke, of a situation. I am not trying to make people think I am important or risking anything.
I am only trying to get justice, and in the process doing something that is connected to my situation to be a productive person, not a docile, dimwit, lazy, couch potato, . . . I would rather be fighting in a real war, with real team mates, doing something productive, risking injury or death.
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