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I.S.I.S., Al-Qaeda, . . . The Rest I Am Fucking OVER Your Fuck Show On My Good Life Fucks! Be SCARED!

I.S.I.S., Al-Qaeda,  . . . the rest of you fucks have never met a bitch like me before. As you can tell I don't back down, do I, fucks! Been at this fuck show with you scum for a long time all by myself fucks, with the world laughing in my face fucks. There is no one in the military, that wants you DEAD more than my ass fucks.

Most sign up for the military and don't have a background like I do. The background I am talking about, is fucking terrorists like you, fucking up my entire life, pitting everyone against me, and telling the world you did not do it, fucks. And that fucks makes me HATE you more than anyone! Would have no problem being the female that tortures your fucking asses to wicked, evil, vicious, violent mother fucking death and videoing the entire event, fucks.

You still think we are on a team, but we have never been. Waiting fucks.
