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Read The Title Of This Blog I Am NOT On UR Team - Your All Coward Fuck!

I Am NOT Living in Fucking
For Your Serial Lying, Inept, Negligent,
Incompetent COWARD Fucking ASS!
Do You ALL Fucking GET MY Fuck!

The value system I live by is you do not live for others, or through others. You do not use others as sacrificial animals and you do not become a sacrificial animal for anyone else. That your main purpose in life, the one life you are given on this earth, that you did not ask to be born into, is for YOU, to decide, what you do in that one life. 

Right now the only thing I am trying and I said trying to accomplish is, to get a mother fucking grasp on MY LIFE! People want to try to bring me into whatever their aim, purpose, goals and intentions are, in this specific fuck show. Right now, I am living on the fucking streets just trying to get a hold of MY LIFE, in a very vulnerable position. 

I am not doing this for you, or with you. If I was that MEANS we would agree on what we were doing. I am left in the absolute DARK as to what anyone else is doing, why they are doing it, and if I would agree with what they are doing. If you think that is acceptable, lets do it to your life and most importantly mind. It is mind fuckery, at its finest. 

I am so over the scum that started this, that thinks they did not start this, stalking me, thinking we are the best of buddies in the world and we shall be together sometime in the future. Walking by my thinking they are relevant to my fuck. Trying to inform me what is going on, in their view point of the fuck show. I am NOT doing this for YOU!

I am NOT doing this for anyone, but me! Been at this for a long time, trying to get justice, so I can proceed forward with a proper way of life, in the country I was born in. That requires a lawyer, or many. Not just any lawyer, but one I feel is in my best interest for what I have been out here for. I would rather be dead, than live one more second in this absolute crazy show, while you enjoy life. 

I promise you trying to control and manipulate my reasons of why I am out here, will never work, unless you use force. There are many that can be controlled and manipulated by your ways of doing things, but not me. Your hiding like a great coward, acting like you are risking your life, which is complete fucking bullshit. 

I am barely alive, my mouth is a diseased mess, my health a mess, watching the world enjoy life, and some people try to inform of their why of what is going on. I am trying to get rid of a sandnigger, the wives he lied about and his gang, who think they are my friends. The sandnigger that thinks he is risking his life, because I am his soul mate. 

Could you imagine people really believe that shit! They do, that is what is scary! But it is scary people think what they all are doing to my life, is acceptable. Remember if you think it is, it is for your life also. I could NEVER agree with what you did to my life EVER

If you are planning one second of my life, you are and have been planning the wrong fucking life. This is NOT a life to plan one second of. This is an utter mockery on my life. All these people think they are doing all these great things, while enjoying life and when they show up to my face it will be good. That is NOT REALITY! Not after what you did to my life


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