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Unfortunately The Youth And Many Have No Idea Exactly WHY I Do And Say What I Do - Maybe They NEVER Will - Not Out Here To Give Advice

My voice in a way, has been directly and indirectly silenced by all to a certain extent. Not out here for love, this is what makes me violently angry. Talking to ALL! Being chased by people, who think this is a love contest, I could absolutely KILL for this. It ain't a joke.

Not out here to go into a relationship and I don't care how much money you have, how famous you are, royal you are, important you are,  . . . none of that MATTERS, NEVER been out here for LOVE.

Being chased around by an Iranian muslim who thinks we are going to be in a relationship, did relationships in for me, for good, with anyone. Will NEVER be IN a relationship EVER fucking again.

This entire time I have been trying to rid myself of the Iranian who thinks he owns me, in a twisted ass fuck show. This show made me NEVER for absolute certain, want to be in a relationship, EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER again.

I am an adult, not a child, or animal to be told, forced, coerced, manipulated or controlled by any fuck on EARTH! Especially the Iranian sandnigger I TOLD to get the fuck out of my life. I HATE this fuck, more than any person on earth!

This is serious shit for me right now, to still be chased by this Iranian fuck, be SCARED! That is why when I see these fucks on the FBIs list still enjoying life, I go absolutely ballistic! Like I did this morning, on the volleyball courts.

You got a minute maybe of the daily havoc and hell I have been living in, for a very long time this morning on the volleyball courts. Most on the courts are innocent, some are NOT and you fucks are the one's I am after.
