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Showing posts from April, 2019

There Are NO Women Right Advocates In America, NONE! Where Did They Go? To The Dark Side!

Any woman who truly believes I am doing this for love, could NEVER be defined, identified, or an advocate for the rights of females, EVER! The FBI takes Somalian refugee claims of being terrorized by Americans, who brought them to this country for a better life, seriously, but not the claims by American women who are being terrorized by them and others. I contacted the FBI many times before 2010 and after 2010, still to no avail. The Somalians got immediate service for their so-called hate crime and justice quickly. I still don't even have a fucking lawyer. We have brought so many to this country that hate us, and back stab us, who then get justice quickly because of the social justice shit show, and I still look like some whack job, when the reality is ugly. I am so fucking outraged at this situation. I promise you I am NOT on anyone's team and I mean that seriously . I am just so exhausted, my body is a mess, my mouth an utter disaster and some guy thinking he is riskin...

Fatemi And Clan Bangers Know A White Guy With A Beard That Drives A Car With The License 7GSY711 Who Flipped Me Off This Morning?

You can call me all the names in the book, flip me off, even kill me, but I will keep holding signs. What a mockery on my life. But since I don't deserve justice, because I am a white American women, this is what I get right? Never been out here trying to get anything but justice.

Read The Title Of This Blog I Am NOT On UR Team - Your All Coward Fuck!

I Am NOT Living in Fucking HELL For Your Serial Lying, Inept, Negligent, Incompetent COWARD Fucking ASS! Do You ALL Fucking GET MY Fuck! The value system I live by is you do not live for others, or through others. You do not use others as sacrificial animals and you do not become a sacrificial animal for anyone else. That your main purpose in life, the one life you are given on this earth, that you did not ask to be born into, is for YOU, to decide, what you do in that one life.  Right now the only thing I am trying and I said trying to accomplish is, to get a mother fucking grasp on MY LIFE! People want to try to bring me into whatever their aim, purpose, goals and intentions are, in this specific fuck show. Right now, I am living on the fucking streets just trying to get a hold of MY LIFE, in a very vulnerable position.  I am not doing this for you, or with you. If I was that MEANS we would agree on what we were doing. I am left in the absolute DARK as t...

I Am NOT On Anyone's Team Nor Living In HELL For Anyone I Am, Standing Up For My Justice

Fatemi Did YOU Burn Down The Notre Dame? When I was standing waiting for the shuttle out to the ASL guess who walked by me? The little Iranian lady, with a long white shirt on. When she walked by, I said out loud, "I am not living in HELL looking for love and if you think I am, I will put a bullet in your head."  My Stalkers HATE - Churches - Women - Infidels - White Ass, . . . Before I went to the bus station, a guy out at coffee had some magazines out, and on the cover of one there was a couple and the caption said, "Risking it all for love!" Fatemi you have been risking nothing, but ONLY created an absolute crazy show around the world, because you are EVIL!  This lady, this trigger about love, are the things that make me go utterly ballistic when dealing with the evilest mother fuckers on earth. Especially when most people think this is a joke, of a situation. I am not trying to make people think I am important or risking anythi...

Fatemi And Clan Your Buddy Kyle Who Was Just Trying To Pick Up On Some Young Lady In The Library - A Charmer To Stay The Fuck Away From

He was telling her a story about a young boy and Easter. And Twix candy bars. Isn't that what you do with Twix, it is part of your tricks show? Twix candy bars? He was telling her he was a musician, was on a world tour, lost all his stuff and is waiting for a couple checks from out of the country. That his main goal right now is working on his music. He sits next to you and tries to sing like he is some rock star, I highly doubt it. Then he was talking to her about how he does not like capitalism. Sounds like one of your clan bangers. I.S.I.S., anarchist, al-qaeda, hamas, hezbollah, . . . which one does he declare allegiance to, or all of them? Wanted to say something to the young lady, but I won't. But it sure seemed like he went over there to get in my face. Fucking scum. Got a lot of scum, who think they are so fucking rad.

Is The Pope Just Going To Let The Iranian Sandniggers Fuck Them UP And Hope God Does Something? Good Fucking Luck! What Church Will Be Next For The EASTER Week Sandnigger Fuck Show They Have Been Talking About?

Was Notre Dame Targeted By The Terrorists Targeting Me ? They Hate You and Love To Burn Shit Down! You have not even protested them, and look what they do to your fucking ass? The Pope is nice to them and look what they do to his fucking ass. They don't give a fuck about you being nice, they viciously fucking HATE you and you should try to wrap your fucking godly minds around that. They know you will forgive them, so they can do it again and again. They got you fucks wrapped around their fingers. 

Anarchist You Want War You Got War Fucks Whatever You All Identify Yourselves As Fucking With Me

What you anarchist DO! Go around lying about not being married and fuck people up, is what anarchy is? You are control and manipulating freaks in relationships . You lie about NOT being married and then threaten the person you lied to with the partners you have. That is the ultimate KIND of control and manipulation of others . You are the authorities, you HATE .  I am not even talking about businesses here, I am talking about what you do in personal relationships with others fucks. YOU don't like to be controlled or manipulated, but that IS WHAT YOU DO to others,to the absolute EXTREME ! You act like you own and run other peoples lives. You take their life by FORCE ! an·ar·chy /ˈanÉ™rkÄ“/ noun a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. an·ar·chist /ˈanÉ™rkÉ™st/ noun 1. a person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.

Sandnigger And Clan Bangers Your Shit Hole Gang Banger Kyle In Here With The Black And White Shirt With MV Football Thinks He Is My Boot Camp Director Fuck YOU SCUM

I have NOT messed up, and I DON'T Need advice from anyone do you dumb ass fucks get me. Kyle just said let me take pictures so I know where I messed up. I am not out here trying to get a man fucks. You got a seriously STUPID mother fucking show rolling on my life, world do you ALL fucking get me, while you enjoy life acting so fucking brave.

America, Americans, The World You ARE All SERIAL Fucking Lying, Dumb Coward Fucks EVERY Fucking One Of YOU SCUM - I Ain't Living In HELL For YOU To Enjoy Fucking Life Coward Dumb Negligent Incompetent Fucks Do YOU GET Me You Shit Hole Fuck

I have NEVER been on your goddamn fucking TEAM, I would NEVER be on your goddamn mother fucking TEAM EVER you shit hole fucking COWARDS of the World! I would put a bullet in every one of your fucking heads, serial lying fucks, do you understand my fuck?

REMOVE The Iranian Shiite Traitor Fuck, Their Cohorts From The FBI Fucking NOW! Torture Their ASSES!

Iranians, The Ayatollah, I.R.G.C., . . . I'm OVER Your Islamic Fuck Show On My Life, Values, And White Ass!

Never asked you to solve my problems fucks, and I sure as fuck don't want you to fucks. I TOLD an Iranian to get the fuck out of my life, and I fucking MEANT it! If you or ANYONE seriously believes I am into living like this right the fuck now, YOU ARE IGNORANT as all fuck. Tomorrow or this afternoon I will draw a cartoon of the Ayatollah, Muhammad, an Iranian prostitute (aka Ensaf Haidar), members of the I.R.G.C. in a perverted cartoon , fucking OVER you fucks .

The Ayatollah, I.R.G.C. I'm OVER Your Shiite Islamic Fuck Show On My Life

An Address To Women Especially As To WHY I USE The Word COWARD Repetitively Because YOU ARE! Until You Start Using Words Like You Have No Problem Dishing Out To Trump Towards Worse Men And Women From Shit Hole Iran, India, Mexico, China,... You're The Problem When Are You Going To Address The Men And Women Who Are Radical Gang Bangers And Terrorists?

Because you are politically correct with certain cultures and their men and women and it should have ended long ago. It is mind boggling that you don't have a problem calling Trump every name in the book with death threats and the like, standing next to women such as Sarsour, Tlaib, Jayapal, Omar,  . . . but have NEVER done the same towards shit fuck men and women I have been living in HELL because of from Iran, India, China, Mexico,  . . .   that is exactly why I use the word COWARD repetitively! You had another opportunity at the last Women's March a couple of weeks ago, and what did you do? But you are not the only one's keeping silent, about this shit fuck. It does no justice even if you come from these cultures, to sit in silence about the scum within your culture. Not for those in America, or the countries you came from. Protecting this shit, here or back home is not about what America was founded upon. I am being gang stalked by both gang bangers and terr...

Americans And Foreingers I'm Going To Get Nasty Because I Am Over The "F" Show!

After I made this sign like everything, I knew the sandnigger would think it was a sign from me, towards his demented, delusional mind. That is the unfortunate thing in this situation. And right after I made the sign, I hear the sirens go off. Whether it had a connection, or not I don't know. But I made a decision that I have to keep up the pressure, messages, because no matter what the sandnigger and gang will do evil, with or without the signs.


When someone like myself was a gracious, generous, kind, nice person who welcomed people from all cultures, gets ripped to shreds like I have, you SERIOUSLY fucked up and with the wrong person . Unfortunately like myself, good individuals from all cultures will have to suffer in America and do back home with this KIND of SCUM!

I Have NOTHING To Prove To ONE Mother Fucker ON EARTH All You Dumb, Coward, Robbers Of Shit, Do YOU ALL Fucking Get My Fuck! Don't CARE What The Fuck You Think Of Me Go Stand By Scum And SCREAM!

Al-Shabaab I'm OVER Your Somalian Islamic Fuck Show On My Life

You ALL will NEED to take me by FORCE ,  in this utter fuck show on my life! I mentioned many things through out the years. But my mom's sister worked with a bunch of Somalians in Minnesota and I had said in the past, I wondered if any of these fucks have been stalking, terrorizing, destroying, . . . my family and relatives behind our backs all these years? I Am NOT out here fighting for you, or with you talking to EVERYONE! After my mom died in 2010, I went to Minnesota the summer of 2011 and stayed with this Aunt briefly, because I got in a fight with her regarding the sandnigger muslim, I left her house and have not spoken to her since. This is WHAT ALL you mother fuckers, have been doing to my life, family, relatives, friends, everyone I know, met and YOU pitted them and the world against me . This is NOT a fucking game fucks . Talking to all of you, who come from various cultures, religions, backgrounds, . . . who think you are my saviors and you are NOT! But you...

Do You See Me Paying Attention To Shit? No! Because The ONLY Shit I Am Concerned About Is ME! Everything Else Don't Matter Fucks, Unless Someone Wants To Tell Me A Bunch Of Sandniggers Are DEAD!

"Sandniggers Who Are You Fucking  Up NEXT?" Huh Sandniggers?" Was that one of your gang bangers in the library a few minutes ago, had a foreign accent talking about finding a book about 'Shift'? What is shifting sandniggers and clan bangers the same shit like always, you fucking up more people and blaming everyone but your fucking selves. Who is NEXT on the list, while Americans sit there and allow you to fuck up them up, and do mother fucking nothing? Who sandniggers. Huh sandniggers? The ONLY thing I am waiting for is a lawyer to help me sue the fuck out of the sandnigger community, or a bunch of people that want to help me KILL all you fucking SCUM, because I seriously HATE your fuck. There is NO way in HELL you could change my fucking mind fucks, EVER! I HATE YOU! And YOU mother fuckers should UNDERSTAND fucking WHY I hate you so goddamn fucking much. YOU initiated this shit, NOT fucking me !

"And Gross Is What Gets The Most Attention, Not Ideas Or Philosophy" - Gary Kasparov

Not sure if this guy really tells the truth after all I have been through, but this quote is spot on. The GROSS the utter GROSS gets the votes, the attention, the shit shows, the utter fucking GROSS! And I mean GROSS in all manners, the fucking GROSS! We have become a society where the GROSS runs the fucking show and I am NOT talking about Trump. I am talking about the fucking GROSS like Fatemi, Markle and clan bangers. The GROSS of The GROSS! These people have been running around destroying this country, setting people up and looking like fucking saints. That is GROSS !

Al-Shabaab I'm Over Your Fuck Show On My Life In America Fucks! Ilhan Omar Are You With Al-Shabaab, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, . . .?

OVER The Somalian Muslim Entitlement Fuck Show In America And I Am Going To Be Radically Vocal About It! Watch Fucking SCUM!

WARNING: Somalian Fucking Muslim SCUM ARE Setting Americans UP Every Fucking Day - These Are Dirty, Filthy, Nasty Fucking SCUM

I Have NEVER Been, NEVER Would Be Out Here Living In The Greatest Hell EVER, To Have ONE Person On Earth Plan ONE Second Of My Life - You All STOLE SOOOOOOO Much Of My Life!

I live in fucking America, mother fuckers ! If you don't like what I say, do and scream about and want to tell me something else, it will NEVER work. This is not your life, your mind, your right. It is ONLY mine. No one tells me what I do in my life . I am in a war against the sandnigger, the wives he lied about, his gang and all others that hate me because of him. Basically a war against the world. I am NOT out here to be told by anyone, what I should believe, agree with, do, say, . . . I live in fucking America, mother fuckers ! I cannot sit idly by, do and say nothing, when things trigger me that the sandnigger and clan does. I don't have PTSD, I have violent anger that I cannot get justice for the actions against my life by this sandnigger and clan. I live in fucking America, mother fuckers ! I would be able to move on efficiently and fast, with proper justice in this situation. But I don't have justice, and I won't sit silent, nor shut my mouth w...

I Am NOT Out Here Playing Games, With Anyone - Especially The Iranian Sandnigger Do You Fucking Get My Ass Sandnigger And Clan Bangers!

NO Games With Fatemi And Markles Clan Here At The Beach Fucks, NONE ! You Don't OWN This TOWN,  Nor Country Fucks! Sandnigger it is very obvious you and your clan think they run this town and YOU fucking DON'T! Women, you are watching an American woman stand up to gang bangers and terrorists you evaded, protected and supported. While you bash Trump with shit fuck scum like Tlaib and Omar, I have been living in evil gang banger and terrorist HELL for a long fucking time . Meghan did you have your police drive down Forest this morning escorting a black Range Rover as a symbol for something CUNT? Cunt you can play games with the world, you are playing games with the wrong American bitch CUNT! And so is everyone in this town, who is on your CUNT fuck TEAM ! Do you know officer Martinez, seems very obvious you might? What other officers and fire department officials do you fucks know? Maybe I am wrong , because I don't trust anyone , and I mean anyone, no matter...

DON'T Plan My Life Cowards - This Message To The Sandnigger Who Thinks He Runs And Owns My Life

Right now I am in my OWN military war, against those I am addressing. My mind, actions, and thoughts are run by me and ONLY by me. I am not, nor will I be controlled or manipulated by anyone, especially the Iranian sandnigger and others. I just go absolutely bonkers, with triggers from the sandnigger and his gang thinking they are solving my problems and I am on their team. It makes me go berserk, if you have not noticed. But it has PROVEN to me, the depth of core members in the sandnigger clan.

And GROSS Is What Gets The Most Attention, Not Ideas, Or Philosophies - Fucking The GROSS - Seriously Tlaib And Omar Show Up To My Face And Tell Me What The Shit Cunts And You Won't Be Alive

I got no game. I ain't a child. I run and own my life 100% and I know why I have been living in hell. Sandniggers don't inform me, WHY! Mother fucking ever . In America you get the choice to decide what people you want to listen to, you are NOT fucking FORCED, no matter what the fuck. Show up with Fatemi, Markle and clan bangers and I KILL you all, every single fucking one of you will be fucking DEAD, if you get the balls to show the fuck up to my face fucks and try to FORCE my ass, fucks!

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar I Am The American Woman Who Wants To END Your Careers In Congres, Sarsour I Want To END Your Shit Show In America!

I.S.I.S., Al-Qaeda, . . . The Rest I Am Fucking OVER Your Fuck Show On My Good Life Fucks! Be SCARED!

I.S.I.S., Al-Qaeda,  . . . the rest of you fucks have never met a bitch like me before. As you can tell I don't back down, do I, fucks! Been at this fuck show with you scum for a long time all by myself fucks, with the world laughing in my face fucks. There is no one in the military, that wants you DEAD more than my ass fucks. Most sign up for the military and don't have a background like I do. The background I am talking about, is fucking terrorists like you, fucking up my entire life, pitting everyone against me, and telling the world you did not do it, fucks. And that fucks makes me HATE you more than anyone ! Would have no problem being the female that tortures your fucking asses to wicked, evil, vicious, violent mother fucking death and videoing the entire event, fucks. You still think we are on a team, but we have never been. Waiting fucks .

Feminists Worship Sarsour, Tlaib, Omar, Cortez, Jayapal, . . . Scum Not For Rights Who HATE White Ass!

Fatemi, Markle and clan bangers when you showing up with the scum above and telling me what has been going on, and we are all on a team? Be SCARED fucks! This ain't your life, nor do you solve my problems, run my life, have anything to do with my life, in any fashion. I TOLD you to get the fuck out of my life in 2005, it is 2019 and this is NOT a game. Do you clan bangers know the Mexican that has been showing up in the morning by the library, at 5 AM? I see your buddy Kyle is back. Kyle two, the Kyle who showed up after the first Kyle and has a darker complexion. The Kyle that video'd me like Steve Ortega and called the cops on me. That Kyle! Who thinks he is so rad, like you scum do. Kyle whose singing right now, thinking he is some fucking great shit. You people are soooooooooooooo fucking SCUM. Show up and lets get this fuck show over SCUM . Be SCARED when you do , because it WILL be the END of the Fuck Show! You will absolutely met with radical fucking FORCE, physi...

I.S.I.S., Al-Qaeda, The Rest I Am Living In Hell Because Of You Fucks And I Am Over Your Fucking ASS Enjoying Life While I Live In Fucking HELL Mother Fuckers I Want You Fucks DEAD Now! Over YOU In My Country Enjoying Your Fucking Life!

Get The Fuck Out Of Here Or I Will Hunt You Down And Kill Your Ass! Any of you work at the Newport Beach library? Any libraries? What the fuck are you doing working in libraries fucks. Libraries are for education, not stalking Americans and fucking with them. Do you get me fucking terrorist scum.  You are the reason I am mad as all HELL at the world mother fuckers. While you blame the Queen of England with your cunt in crime Meghan fuck. So OVER you fucks. You should have been DEAD long ago fucks.  But you are still working at libraries aren't you? And parents bring their kids to libraries! And everyone thinks I am bad for kids! Isn't it amazing, the facade of bullshit you got rolling around here? Making good Americans look bad, and yourself appear like great humanitarians of the world. Amazing fucks. 

If You Seriously Think I Am Sitting Here Waiting For You COWARDS WATCH What The Fuck I Say About EVERYONE Of You Tomorrow, COWARD ASS Fucks!

I am OVER this fuck show on my life fucking America and Americans do you fucking get me dumb ass coward fucks. Trust me you ARE and ONLY have been dumb ass coward fucks the entire fucking time in this fuck show. All of you, every single fucking one of you. Coward ass dumb fuck.

I.S.I.S., Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, The Ayatollah, I.R.G.C., Gang Bangers, . . . And All You Other Mother Fuckers I Am OVER YOU! You Are The Reason I Am Living In HELL!

You ain't fighting for freedom. And trust me America I am over your ass doing fucking nothing, and all you American cowards enjoying your goddamn fucking life. So over you fuck. If you seriously think I am on your coward ass team you are one dumb ass fucking person . You all are the fucking problem here, all of you. You are shit hole fucks enjoying your goddamn fucking life . I mean that you are shit fucks . Seriously get real fucking scum, I hate you fucks for what you did to my fucking life while you enjoyed life the entire goddamn fucking time. Do you get me COWARD fuck of the world ALL of you. I suffer all this time because you are a mother fucking dumb ass coward. FUCK YOU!  You are all shit fuck human beings all of you, every fucking one of you is shit fuck scum fuck dumb ass coward fucks. Watch what I say about you scum tomorrow fucks. So OVER you all. 

If You Seriously Believe I Am On Your TEAM In This Fuck Show While YOU Continue To Enjoy Life, You ARE Mother Fucking DUMB! Do You GET Me! Seriously, Do You GET ME!

It is amazing all you fucks, thoroughly enjoying your life, in this goddamn fuck show on my good fucking life. It is amazing that you think I am on your team, doing this for you, while you enjoy life. That is what is most amazing about this evil fuck show on my good fucking life. Most importantly why am I suffering, while you fucks enjoy life? Because I used my brain and have been screaming since 2005 and it is 2019. No sandnigger you did NOT use your fucking brain, you are the problem and the world is telling you how fucking great you are. Fucking OVER you and the world sandnigger ! Fucking OVER dumb ass cowards enjoying fucking life. Fucking OVER criminals, terrorists, gang bangers enjoying fucking life. While I live in fucking HELL! None of you want to lose your shit, fight a war, no you don't. You don't want to live in HELL, no you don't! And you did not want to stand up to the evil, no you don't! I would NEVER in my fucking life, be on your fucking TEAM, or i...

I Promise You All, I Am NOT On Anyone's TEAM, I PROMISE You, I am NOT! Take The Promise Seriously - This Ain't A Mother Fucking TEAM It Has NEVER Been One!

I do NOT give a fuck what any person on earth is doing, NOT a fuck! Said it before I'll say it again, keep the grand self righteous importance, fame, honor, glory, cash, all of it , . . . I ain't, nor have I EVER been on your fucking TEAM ! You are seriously out of your fucking mind to think I give a fuck about you and what the fuck you are doing. I DON'T! Wrap your shit hole minds around the FACT I ain't on your team, I have NEVER been on your team and I mother fucking NEVER would EVER in my goddamn fucking life be on YOUR Shit hole fucking TEAM! There is absolutely NOTHING about a TEAM effort here. It is a demented fucking TEAM!

Your Estimation Of Me Being Into Living Like This While You And Evil Enjoy Life Is Grossly OFF! I Can't Say That Enough! Try To Understand Or REALITY Will MAKE You Fucking UNDERSTAND IT! I Am A VERY Good Person Who Is Over This Bullshit!

How many professional athletes work hard their entire childhood, to sign a contract to be on a professional team, as the soul purpose of a sacrificial animal and make no money? NONE! That is ludicrous thinking ! Or they work extremely hard their entire childhood to hand over their hard work, to someone who did not earn it, work for it, fight for it, acknowledge the problems, . . . I am just violently exhausted beyond belief. I promise the world I don't give a fuck what you are doing today. Were those some of your friends that showed up at the church making a ruckus about finding the bathroom to be closed? With their kids and dogs? Who parked at Whole Foods and walked to the church to find a fucking bathroom in your bathroom fuck show? Take my words seriously fucks. You are stupid right now fucking with me . While you all have been fucking enjoying life, and I continue to live in your HELL, fuck YOU! Waiting for any of you to show the fuck up to my face and I will HARM you...

An Iranian Shiite Muslim Claims He Is Saving Me From The English Royal Family - Similarly - Ensaf Haidar Claims She Is Saving Raif Badawi From The Saudi Royal Family

Two similar stories, about two individuals who claim they were not involved in the set-up of those they claim they are saving from two different Royal families. Isn't it odd? Especially if Haidar and Fatemi know each other? I told the sandnigger to get the fuck OUT of My Life, I MEANT IT ! Raif Badawi, along with his sister and lawyer husband are in Saudi prison. I am living on the streets in the United States of America. Both stories involve story tellers communicating to the public they are saving individuals who have been terrorized by Royal families? Strange! But people believe this shit! I DON'T !

An Iranian Muslim Claims He Is SAVING Me From The Queen Of England! NOT REALITY! Could, Or Would You Believe Such B.S.?

If you could, or would believe the stories an Iranian muslim is telling the world, you are delusional and DON'T have a proper rational faculty process. But that is your choice. But no one informs me what my choices are. I keep informing the public that I am not a prisoner, or on a team, for the mere fact and purpose: I am the soul owner, ruler, problem solver and choice maker of my life. FORCE will Never fucking work for me, and many created a crazy show around my life. Thinking they solve my problems without my involvement, while YOU fucking enjoy life. That don't work for my fuck folks .

I'm NOT A Prisoner, Or On A TEAM. That Is NOT REALITY!

Fatemi you know the Veterinarian that walked by me just now going to work across from the police station? You can all call me every fucking name in the book, you can KILL me, I don't got a game, been at this too long! WARNING Lady Who Drives A Black SUV With 'Be Love' Stickers Is NOT About Love ! Your cunt fuck lady who drives the black older suv with all the 'Be Love' stickers drove by me this morning. Instead of 'Be Love' they should say, 'Be EVIL' ! Isn't that your true identity, cunt ? I shall have a sign about this later.

Unfortunately The Youth And Many Have No Idea Exactly WHY I Do And Say What I Do - Maybe They NEVER Will - Not Out Here To Give Advice

My voice in a way, has been directly and indirectly silenced by all to a certain extent. Not out here for love, this is what makes me violently angry . Talking to ALL! Being chased by people, who think this is a love contest, I could absolutely KILL for this. It ain't a joke. Not out here to go into a relationship and I don't care how much money you have, how famous you are, royal you are, important you are,  . . . none of that MATTERS, NEVER been out here for LOVE. Being chased around by an Iranian muslim who thinks we are going to be in a relationship, did relationships in for me, for good, with anyone. Will NEVER be IN a relationship EVER fucking again. This entire time I have been trying to rid myself of the Iranian who thinks he owns me, in a twisted ass fuck show. This show made me NEVER for absolute certain, want to be in a relationship, EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER again. I am an adult, not a child, or animal to be told, forced, coerced, manipulated or controll...

ABDELKARIM HUSSEIN MOHAMED AL-NASSER When I Saw This Guy AKA 'Faheim' This Morning It Triggered Me - Mentally Past Rational Capacity

- FBIs Abdelkarim Al-Nasser  aka Faheim

Not On Ur Team, Are You Listening To Me Cowards Enjoying Life WATCH DUMB Fucks! YOUR DUMB!

Get real all you dumb fucks, I ain't on your team, never been on your fucking team NEVER mother fuckikng would be on your team fucking EVER dumb ass fucks of the world. YOU are ALL Dumb fucks. More importantly cowards enjoying your fucking life. Seriously be ready to Kill me, because I WILL KILL You for this fuck show. No games!